Allergy is a common health disorder occurred in most of the people.. The common symptoms are repeated sneezing one after another around 10-20 times at a time with itching of nose and eyes, runny nose redness and swelling of eyes, weakness feeling etc.. If any person have all those above symptoms will be diagnose as suffering from allergic rhinitis or hay fever in conventional treatment there is only temporary relief of symptoms by taking the anti allergic medicines..This allergic problem is developed When a man&rsquos immune tem come in contact with particular substances called allergen in the environment that is harmless for most people.. People with allergies, their immune tems are working too hard and react to those allergens label as harmless for normal people..
Homeopathy treatment for allergy can diminish the hypersensitivity nature of the immune tem of the allergy or asthma susceptible person.. Thus the allergic reaction and asthmatic condition gradually cures by the proper homeopathy treatment and remedies.. A constitutional homeopathy treatment basing upon the physical, mental, psychological, emotional condition can reduce the susceptibility nature of the person to get allergy and asthma frequently by modifying his/her immune tem.. The acute asthmatic symptoms of difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, can be controlled effectively and instantly by sui homeopathy medicines and homeopathy nebulising.. Homeopathy nebulisation is the recent modern advanced homeopathy approach developed by Dr..Satapathy that gives a rapid effect in asthmatic patient to control their acute symptoms of shortness of breath, cough and wheezing sound The allergic sneezing can also be controlled instantly by the homeopathy medicines with nebulisation
A long standing allergy or asthma patient can get a cure by proper constitutional homeopathy treatment
Homeopathy is best placed to treat all types of allergic disorder because it does not try to treat the symptoms of the allergies but also it works to root of the cause of these allergies..
· Allium Cepa
· Arsenic Album
· Natrum Mur
· Merc Sol
· Arundo