Kakatpur is a small village in Puri district and is situated at a distance of 50 kms from Puri,on the Puri-Astaranga road.Situated on the bank of river Prachi,
this temple is famous for Goddess Mangala.Goddess Mangala is the presiding deity of Kakatpur and is worshipped in this temple. There is a famous story behind
the evolution of the name of the deity as 'Kakatpur' Mangala and belived by the local people.Goddess Managala kept herself hidden under the deep water of river
Once a boatman was sailing his boat across river Prachi.At that time the river was outpouring and flodded so he was unable to sail his boat to the river.
He spent whole day and night but not able to sail his boat and during early morning,before the dawn,goddess Mangala came in his dream and asked him to recover
her from the water and to establish her in nearby Mangalpur village.