Nila Madhab Pandas film Halkaa Trailer launched-2018
Nila Madhab Pandas film Halkaa Trailer launched-2018
Place: Odisha
Date: 08 Aug 2018
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Nila Madhab Panda’s film Halkaa Trailer launched
Trailer of Nila Madhab Panda’s film ‘Halkaa’ launched. Union Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri, HCL CEO Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Trustee of the Shiv Nadar Foundation Durga Shankar Mishra along with music composer Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy and director Nila Madhab Panda launched the Trailer.
Directed by national award winner Nila Madhab Panda and presented by the philanthropic Shiv Nadar Foundation in association with Akshay Kumar Parija films, the movie features child actor Tathastu as Pichku and Ranvir Shorey and Paoli Dam as his parents.
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